Dental Implants

What is a dental implant?

smiling woman holding dental implant model

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root made of titanium which replaces a missing tooth. It is inserted into the jawbone where the titanium then fuses with the bone. It then serves as the foundation for a ceramic crown.

When should I see a specialist for a dental implant?

If you have one or more missing teeth, or if you have a damaged tooth that needs to be removed, it is advisable to consult a dental specialist. He/she will provide you with a professional opinion on whether dental implants are a suitable solution for you, based on your condition and oral health.

Enquire with our dental specialists.

Did you know?

A recent study of 194 patients with dental implants, showed that after five years, none of the implants had been lost, resulting in a 5-year survival of 100%.¹

What are the risks of dental implants?

elderly couple smiling after workout and drinking water

As for any surgical intervention, there are risks related to dental implants. However, these risks are relatively and easily treated. Potential risks may include:

– Infection of the implant site.
– Nerve damage (resulting in numbness or tingling).
– Sinus problems (when implants are situated in the upper jaw).
– Damage to surrounding structures (teeth or blood vessels).

How should I prepare for my appointment?

Before meeting with your dental specialist, be sure to prepare a detailed medical history. Don’t forget to include a complete list of medications you are currently taking. Your dentist will review this information and also ask you for details concerning your lifestyle and habits (such as diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption).

Your current state of health will have an impact on whether or not implants are a suitable treatment option for you. All this information will be taken into account by your specialist before a decision is made to proceed with dental implants.

What can I expect during dental implant treatment?

man smiling during dental checkup with mirror

Dental implant treatment is performed over several stages, under local anaesthesia. Once your specialist has advised you that dental implants are the best treatment option for your individual case, you will have x-rays and models taken of your teeth.

Your damaged tooth will be extracted (if necessary) and the implant will be inserted into the jawbone. A temporary tooth will be placed at the same time.

A period of 3 months is then required to allow the implant to fuse with the bone, and the mouth to heal. Once this process is complete, the replacement tooth (or crown) is integrated.

In some cases where the jawbone is not thick enough, a bone graft may be necessary. This means a longer process, with healing time between each stage. Your specialist will explain the details if this applies to your treatment.

What happens after my dental implant treatment?

After your dental implant treatment, you may experience some of the following symptoms:

– Swelling of your gums and face.
– Minor bleeding.
– Bruising and pain at the implant site.

This discomfort should pass quickly. If it is still present or worsens in the days following surgery, contact your specialist for advice. You may need antibiotics or pain relief. Your diet immediately after surgery should consist or soft, easily chewable food.

In order to protect and preserve your implants, you will be advised on maintaining a healthy diet and oral hygiene. It is also better to avoid hard nuts or candy, smoking and excessive caffeine.

Request an appointment with a dental specialist today.

[1] Tey VHS, Phillips R, Tan K Five-year retrospective study on success, survival and incidence of complications of single crowns supported by dental implants. Clin Oral Implants Res. 2017 May;28(5):620-625. doi: 10.1111/clr.12843. Epub 2016 Jun 22.