Periodontic Services

What is periodontic dentistry?

woman's smiling teeth

A periodontist is a dental specialist specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of inflammation and disease of the gums, and the supporting structures around the teeth. They also place, maintain, and repair dental implants.

When should I see a specialist for periodontic treatment?

Periodontic treatment is advised for patients who are experiencing symptoms of gum disease and require an evaluation by a periodontist who works in this area. These symptoms may include the following:

  • Red, swollen, or bleeding gums.
  • Receding gums, leaving pockets between the teeth and the gums.
  • Chronic bad breath or bad taste in your mouth.
  • Your bite feeling different or teeth seeming loose.
  • Unexplained tooth loss.
  • Pain when eating and extreme sensitivity to hot and cold.

Your periodontist will conduct a thorough screening and evaluation of your mouth and family history. Let your periodontist know if you have a family history of periodontitis, if you have diabetes or other chronic conditions, or if you smoke.

Once a diagnosis and then a treatment plan have been defined, the length and regularity of your treatment will depend on the severity of your condition. Most treatments are conducted in stages.

Enquire with our dental specialists.

Did you know?

Innovative wound technology, including growth factors and cell therapy, is being used in the regeneration of soft tissue in periodontic surgery. 1

What are the risks of periodontic treatment?

family smiling and watching tv together

Modern dental procedures and techniques are innovative and sophisticated, which are kinder to the patient. However, as with any medical procedure, there is an element of risk. It is important to discuss the potential risks of your specific treatment with your periodontist.

How do I prepare for periodontic treatment?

Prior to your procedure, your periodontist will provide you with clear explanations on what you may expect. Be sure to ask any questions to alleviate your anxiety. It is important to feel well-informed and confident in the upcoming treatment. Depending on your treatment and the related anaesthesia, you may have strict instructions to follow regarding food and liquid intake. Check this with your periodontist and medical team.

What can I expect during periodontic treatment?

woman smiling and looking into mirror with dentist

Periodontal treatment occurs over several different stages. The first step is a deep clean of the spaces between the infected gums and teeth. This removes tartar and the diseased soft tissue. In some cases, this is sufficient to control the infection. On other occasions, surgery may be required to reduce the size of pockets, remove diseased tissue, reshape bone, or regenerate gum and bone tissue.

What happens after my periodontic treatment?

If you experience any discomfort, your periodontist will advise you on the appropriate pain relief based on your procedure. You are also likely to be prescribed some antibiotics or prescription mouthwash. Softer food is recommended, no strenuous activity is allowed for 24 hours, and slight bleeding is to be expected in the first day or so post-treatment.

Once your treatment is complete, you will may to have follow-up visits with your periodontist to monitor the health of your gums and teeth. Good oral hygiene and dental care on a daily basis are essential to prevent any recurrence of the gum disease.

Request an appointment with a dental specialist today.

[1] Li Yen Chong, Li-Ying Chien, Min-Chun Chung, Kaicheng Liang, Jason Chu-Shern Lim, Jia Hui Fu, Chi-Hwa Wang & Po-Chun Chang. Controlling the Proliferation and Differentiation Stages to Initiate Periodontal Regeneration. 54; 2.2013 doi/full/10.3109/03008207.2012.751985