NOTICE: The Taxi stand/drop-off point at the Medical Centre will be closed on November/December 24. Alternative drop-off locations are available at the Medical Centre (after the carpark gantry) or at the Main Lobby of Mount Elizabeth Hospital.

Geriatric Medicine

What is geriatric medicine and what conditions can it treat?

Geriatric medicine focuses on the healthcare and well-being of the elderly, and conditions such as dementia, osteoporosis, disabilities, as well as social and caregiver issues. With the improvements in the quality of life, medical care and technological innovation in the modern world, the elderly population is larger than ever. Our ageing population requires and deserves a significant level of ongoing care, treatment, and support.

A geriatrician diagnoses and treats older persons with multiple medical conditions and attends to their nutritional and home care needs where appropriate. An important part of their role is the prevention of disease and problems related to the ageing process, including dementia and falls.

Request an appointment with a geriatrician today.

When do you need to see a geriatrician?

If you or your elderly loved ones are experiencing any of the following issues, you may wish to consult a geriatric specialist:

  • Declining memory, dementia and mood problems
  • Incontinence or constipation
  • Issues with multiple or conflicting medications associated with polypharmacy (e.g. too many tablets that may be difficult to take or may cause side effects)
  • Nutritional problems, difficulties with eating, or weight loss
  • Problems with walking due to weakness, joint problems or unsteadiness, often leading to falls, or difficulties with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, feeding, and grooming

Geriatric assessment evaluates the health of an older person, including aspects such as function, memory, continence, and psychosocial well-being that contribute to quality of life. We also care for elderly patients who have pre-existing and chronic diseases.

Enquire with our geriatricians.

Why you should consider our geriatricians in Singapore

Geriatric medicine helps older persons by minimising disability, promoting their health and independent living, and addressing their health concerns including multiple coexisting health conditions or chronic disease. Issues such as memory loss, mobility decline, or appetite loss may be treatable with the assistance of our specially trained geriatricians.

At Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre, we aim to manage the needs of older persons with compassion and dignity. Enquire online about how we can help you or your loved ones maintain a good quality of life despite the ageing process with comprehensive, holistic specialty care for elderly patients in Singapore. Our highly competent team is available to take care of you or your elderly loved one in an effective and compassionate manner.

Major Areas of Specialisation

Below are some of the services our specialists provide. Our dedicated professionals will ensure a rigorous process of diagnosis, as well as a complete treatment plan, follow-up care, and rehabilitation for you or your elderly loved ones. As well as comprehensive care, our geriatricians aim to slow down the progress of any existing conditions where possible, alleviate pain, and help you or your loved ones live fulfilling lives by managing your health appropriately.

  • Assessment and management of geriatric syndromes (impaired cognition, impaired mobility, incontinence, nutritional issues in older persons, frailty, polypharmacy, impaired swallowing)
  • Care for older persons with dementia
  • Caregiver training
  • Cognitive assessment
  • Comprehensive geriatric assessment
  • Continence
  • Coordination of care of individuals with multiple and complex problems
  • Delivery of home care
  • Dementia
  • Depression
  • Fall risk assessment and prevention
  • Geriatric clinic
  • Geriatric rehabilitation
  • Health education
  • Inpatient care
  • Management of acutely ill older persons
  • Memory and dementia
  • Mobility enhancement
  • Nutrition/feeding assessment
  • Osteoporosis treatment
  • Palliative care
  • Polypharmacy assessment
  • Pre-morbid functional assessment
  • Social and caregiver issues
  • Treatment of rheumatological conditions in older persons

Did you know?

Singapore’s average life expectancy in 2017 is 86.1 years for women and 80.1 years for men, according to the World Health Organisation’s World Health Statistics report.

According to the Gerontological Society of Singapore, one in five residents in Singapore will be 65 years old or older by 2030.