Hui Kok Pheng Respiratory & Internal Medicine Clinic

Respiratory Medicine (Lungs)

Specialist(s) Dr. Hui Kok Pheng

Dr Hui’s experience in managing respiratory diseases in multi-cultural backgrounds led to appreciation of the diversity of respiratory symptoms across different ethnic groups. His special interests are asthma (the ethnic diversity, and individual based optimal control), tuberculosis (including atypical tuberculosis) lung cancer (emphasis on early detection), severe sepsis and critical care patient on ventilator life support. Dr Hui has published over 100 articles and abstracts in peer reviewed journals and international meetings in topics including asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, sepsis and Intensive Care.

Special Interests
  • Asthma
  • Intensive / Critical Care
  • Tuberculosis
Facilities and Services

Asthma : Evaluation and management
Early detection of lung cancer
Cough : evaluation and management
Tuberculosis : evaluation and treatment
Smoking related lung disease
Bronchosccopy with biopsy
Sleep related disorders
Critical and intensive care services, including management of adult respiratory distress syndrome, and ventilation